Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) crop insurance provides coverage for producers who use this practice to save money and promotes appropriate conservation practices.
The Post Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) provides supplemental coverage when a producer is prevented from post/split applying nitrogen in the 2-3 week V3-V10 corn growth stages due to field conditions created by weather.

Where is PACE Crop Insurance Available?
PACE supplemental crop insurance is available for non-irrigated corn in select counties in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. You can buy PACE from a ProAg trusted crop insurance agent by the sales closing date shown for each eligible county in the actuarial documents at:
Who is Eligible for PACE Coverage?
You must:
- Have an underlying insurance policy of Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, or Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion with coverage at the additional coverage level
- Use a split application of nitrogen practice
- Have documentation supporting the purchase of nitrogen for the split-application of nitrogen practice
- Record on the PACE acreage report the acreage on which:
- a split application of nitrogen practice was intended and
- the pre-application of nitrogen was actually applied
- Have been physically prevented from applying the post-application of nitrogen during the insurance period due to weather and field conditions to make a claim
How Do You Report PACE Acreage?
For PACE, the acreage report must include, by insured unit:
- The intended total nitrogen application rate pre- and post-apply
- The actual total nitrogen application rate pre- and post-apply
- The number of acres in each unit in which a split-application practice was used and
- The actual planting date for each unit
PACE requires a Producer Nitrogen Report to be submitted in the event of a possible loss, regarding nitrogen practices and applications. You must have acceptable records that support the information from the Producer Nitrogen Report.
Can Producers Elect PACE Coverage on Some Units and Not Others?
Producers may select PACE on an optional or basic unit basis. Producers may also elect PACE on some units and not others, but all eligible acreage within each selected unit must be insured.
Important PACE Crop Insurance Dates
- Sales Closing, Cancellation, and Termination Dates– March 15
- Acreage Reporting Date– July 15
- Premium Billing Date– August 15
- Contract Change Date– November 30
Is PACE a good fit for you?
PACE might be a good fit for you if:
- You split-apply nitrogen with either a first application in the fall or spring, then post-planting with pull-type application equipment
- You are in a county were coverage is available in the Midwest.
- You understand this endorsement protects you only against the inability to apply a second nitrogen application due to excess moisture.
- Your operation maintains detailed records.

Still Have Questions?
Learn more about PACE from RMA’s conservation webpage and then contact your trusted ProAg agent to discuss policy details and availability.
Additional Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) Resources:
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