When Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion Plan is selected, the minimum crop insurance revenue guarantee will not be recalculated when harvest prices are released.
The Revenue Protection Plan with Harvest Exclusion Plan (RP-HPE or RP Harvest) crop insurance plan is similar to the Revenue Protection (RP) plan; however, it provides coverage against loss of revenue caused by price decrease, low yields or a combination of both – the price increase is not covered because the guarantee is not adjusted up by the harvest price for this plan.

Coverage type: Individual revenue
Insures against: Revenue loss due to decrease in price, low yield, or combination of these
Administrative fee: $30, No CAT available
Coverage levels: 50% to 85%
Guarantee: Revenue protection guarantee = APH approved yield x coverage level x projected price
How RP-HPE Insurance Works
The projected price is used to determine the revenue guarantee, the premium and any replant or prevented planting payment. The harvest price is only used to value the production to count in a production or revenue loss. It is not used to recalculate the guarantee if there is an increase.
The producer does not receive the benefit of price movement with the Revenue Protection Harvest Price Exclusion plan.
How is a Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion indemnity calculated?
In the event of loss or damage covered by a Revenue Protection policy with the Harvest Price Exclusion, the claim will be settled by the procedures found in the appropriate policy provisions. For example purposes, an indemnity will be owed if: the production to count x harvest price (not to exceed the projected price) is less than the revenue protection guarantee x insured acres.

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