Uncontrollable and dangerous wildfires continue to burn acres across the High Plains. One of the wildfires is already the second largest in Texas history. Livestock ranches across the Texas Panhandle are dealing with significant losses and destruction. Texas Governor Greg Abbot issued a disaster declaration for 60 counties as fires continue to threaten lives and destroy homes and structures.

Mandatory and voluntary evacuation orders were sent Tuesday this week, with emergency officials working to advise and direct evacuation routes. The largest of the active fires decimated an estimated 250,000 acres in Hutchinson County, Texas, Tuesday night with more than half a million acres as of Wednesday morning. Those affected are encouraged to seek shelter away from the path of fires. The Texas Agriculture Commissioner assures ranchers that the state will stand by them in recovery efforts.

ProAg is keeping the farmers and ranchers close to our hearts, along with the first responders working tirelessly to contain the spread of the fires.

Read more on the High Plains wildfires here.