The U.S. House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly to pass the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act. While Ag Committee Chairman GT Thompson’s bill didn’t have enough votes to pass Tuesday, it pushed through Wednesday on a 330-99 margin. The National Milk Producers Federation says Congress was ultimately won over with studies showing how dairy is under-consumed among school-aged children. A fifteen-year study shows those who consume more than two dairy products each day have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and lower morbidity rates among those who incorporate whole milk and whole milk products into their diet.

The House bill was passed with amendments that allowed organic milk, excluded Chinese-made dairy products from schools, and removed USDA’s ability to make rules that would remove flavored milk from school programs. Dairy groups have applauded the efforts, pointing to the strong bipartisan showing for the sake of both dairy farmers and U.S. schoolchildren.

Read more on the Whole Milk bill here.