The U.S. Department of Agriculture has officially opened applications for the $10 billion in economic assistance approved by Congress in December 2024. The Emergency Commodity Assistance Program will provide direct payments to approved applications, offering a flat rate per acre for select commodities. The financial relief comes at a time when many farmers are struggling financially, with high input costs and low commodity prices. This assistance is in addition to existing farm subsidy programs in the U.S.

A number of commodities are expected to be part of the program, including:

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat, sorghum, long- and medium-grain rice, barley and oats,
  • Peanuts and other oilseeds,
  • Dry peas, lentils, and small and large chickpeas.

According to Brooke Appleton, the USDA’s deputy undersecretary for farm production and conservation, farmers can expect funds in their accounts three days after their applications are approved. Pre-filled applications will be distributed using 2024 acreage reports. Producers can also start the process in person at local Farm Service Agency offices.

This financial assistance effort is separate from the $21 billion set aside for disaster relief, also approved by Congress for the USDA in December 2024. Additional information for those funds is not yet available but is likely to be announced soon.

USDA also created a calculator for ECAP payments that producers can use.

Read more about the available funds and application process here.