With the conclusion of harvest comes a new chapter for every farmer each year. Farm safety also includes mental and physical health. The Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) recommends farmers prioritize sleep to stay healthy. Many farmers and farm employees do not get adequate sleep, particularly in spring and fall. Fatigue and mental stress raise the risk of mistakes and injuries.

Adults who get less than seven and a half hours of sleep are twice as likely to be injured. Drowsiness, apathy, dizziness, headaches, vision impairment, poor concentration, slow reflexes and mood changes are all symptoms of fatigue, which UMASH estimates costs the U.S. $18 billion annually. Farmers should avoid caffeine eight hours before bedtime and alcohol four hours beforehand to get better sleep. Additionally, a bedtime routine can train your brain to prepare for sleep, such as reading and stretching.

Read more on how to prioritize and cultivate more restful sleep habits here.