Legislative Action Continues on Farm Bill Extension, Farm to Fly Act, and More
Several potential policies related to agriculture experienced recent movements in Congress.
Shorter, More Frequent Grocery Trips Favor Fresh Produce Sales
Consumer trends are ever-evolving when it comes to food purchasing preferences. In an era of sky-high inflation and post-pandemic shifts in food consumption, the food retail landscape has both new challenges and opportunities.
Heat Stress Remains Critical Threat to Dairy Industry
With the planet’s hottest-ever summer on record now behind us, dairy producers are more mindful than ever of heat stress and its impact on milk production.
High-Quality Red River Valley Sugarbeet Harvest Breaks Record
Despite a concerning start to the growing season, the sugarbeet harvest in the Red River Valley boasts a record yield and a high-quality crop.
Corn Yield Projections Lower for First Time in Decade
The World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report Thursday created quite the shock for corn producers.
Heat Stress Kills Thousands of Cattle Each Year, Use these Tips to Combat the Elements
With intense heat well over 100 degrees sweeping the U.S., cattle become more vulnerable to the effects of heat stress.
A Tale of Two Meats: Pork and Beef Values Slide Opposite
Domestic meat staples beef and pork couldn’t be more market opposites right now.
ProAg Awarded Iowa Top Workplace Recognition by The Des Moines Register
DES MOINES, Iowa — On September 18, 2023, ProAg was honored as a 2023 Iowa Top Workplace by the Des…
Tractor Sales Rise in June for First Time in 2023
Last month held the first time U.S. tractor sales showed a year-over-year gain for 2023. Sales now look more like…
Widespread Soybean Yellowing Draws Concerns
Recent soybean yellowing has caused concern for Midwest growers. Recent heavy rainfall after ongoing dryness has left the crop susceptible…