Conservation Remains Priority for USDA and Crop Insurers
As America’s farmers and ranchers continue to face immense climate and weather-related challenges, both the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and private-sector crop insurers are committed to strengthening the crop insurance program. Crop insurance serves as the first line of defense for American agriculture.
Don’t Let Delivery and Takeout Foods Fumble Your Super Bowl
Safely serving friends and family during the big game is a win for everyone; don’t fumble it this Super Bowl Sunday.
Farmers Without Dicamba Products for the Upcoming Season
A federal court has vacated the 2020 registrations of three dicamba products that had previously been EPA-approved.
Milk Prices Show Optimism Despite Steady Supply
Gains in milk futures have spurred renewed interest in the dairy market.
USDA Data Reveals Smallest Cattle Herd Size on Record
The latest cattle inventory report revealed the smallest U.S. cow herd since reports first began in 1972
Consumers Value Personal, Environmental Health in Latest Food Trends
More U.S. consumers are choosing to eat more diverse diets. While health trends ebb and flow each year, recent years have shown a move toward more wholesome food choices.
U.S. Corn and Soybean Exports Go Different Directions in Early 2024
U.S. corn and soybean exports are off to an interesting start in 2024.
Farmland Market Remains High Despite Declining Commodity Prices
Farmland sales continue to draw attention as more records are squashed.
Many Barriers Prevent More Farmers from Adopting Precision Agriculture Technologies
In an age of rapid technology advancements throughout the entire agriculture and food supply chain, farmers are under more pressure than ever to update equipment and practices to “precision agriculture” quality.
Labor Challenges Remain a Top Concern in Dairy Industry
There’s no shortage of headwinds facing animal agriculture in the U.S. From labor and disease to consumer perception, livestock producers have many challenges to contend with each year.