Summer 2024 Predicted to Bring on the Heat
Dr. Dennis Todey, Director of the USDA Midwest Climate Hub, shared on a recent webinar sponsored by the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation that current weather patterns signal excessive summer heat ahead.
Early Season Optimism for Winter Wheat
After consecutive years of drought across large portions of the nation's winter wheat regions, this year's crop is off to its best start in four years.
Inside the Rising House Farm Bill Tensions
Ag Chair Thompson is moving ahead with his plans to unveil a draft of the long-delayed farm bill and hold a committee markup by Memorial Day.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Identifies Two Genetic Mutations in Cattle
University of Nebraska — Lincoln (UNL) researchers recently identified two new genetic mutations, delayed blindness in Herefords and bovine familial convulsions and ataxia (BFCA) in Angus cattle.
Legislative Watch: Increased funding for commodity programs and crop insurance; USDA opens competition for trade promotion funding.
House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson confirmed he plans to introduce a farm bill and consider it in committee before Memorial Day.
The USDA Confirms HPAI Cases in Dairy Herds in North Carolina and South Dakota
The USDA confirmed HPAI in two additional dairy herds in North Carolina and South Dakota.
Iowa Signs Law Regulating Foreign Ownership of Farmland
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a new law regarding regulations on foreign ownership of farmland in the state.
April WASDE Shows Increase in Corn Demand
The USDA’s April 11 WASDE report showed demand for corn increased while soybean demand decreased.
New WIC Rule Cuts Money for Milk
The U.S. Department of Agriculture shared finalized changes to the federally funded Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children on Tuesday.
What’s the Deal with Land Prices?
At the start of March, a farmland sales record was set in Cass County, N.D., of $11,160 per acre.