Wheat Council Winter Wheat Tour Predicts 46.5 Bushels Per Acre Yield
The Wheat Council's three-day Hard Winter Wheat Tour concluded last week.
Ag Groups Respond to House Farm Bill
Industry agricultural groups posted responses to the House farm bill released late last week.
Class III Milk Climbs $4.38 in One Month
A swift recovery in cheese demand and negative production growth have driven the price of Class III milk from $16,53 per cwt. on April 15 to $21.36 on May 13.
House Farm Bill Draft Released Ahead of Markup
On Friday, House Ag Chair G.T. Thompson released the House farm bill draft, anticipating a markup this Thursday.
Foreign Plastic Regulations Could Make It Difficult To Transport Fresh Produce
New regulations for plastics in the European Union and Canada could impact fresh produce growers and exporters.
High Interest Rates and Input Costs Put Pressure on Cattle Production
While pasture conditions have improved and feed costs have been declining as the drought eases, cattle farmers continue to sell off cattle in the face of historically low inventories.
The USDA Introduces Incentives for Organic Production
The USDA announced new programs, partnerships and grant awards along with an additional $10 million in funding to expand markets for organic products and help producers transition to organic production.
Soybean Production Cost Rose By 157% Since 1997
The cost of soybean production in the U.S. has soared by 157% since 1997, while seed cost rose by 260% according to Bryn Swearingen and Kate Vaiknoras with the USDA Economic Research Service.
Texas Expands Cover-Crop Acreage
According to recent data from the USDA 2022 Census of Agriculture, cover crops were planted on 6.2% of total cropland acres in the South.
Iowa Enacts Meat Integrity Legislation
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed SF 2391, the Iowa Meat Integrity Bill, into law. The bill protects against the misbranding of meat and egg alternatives.