Has Cattle Herd Expansion Ground to a Halt?
Normally, at this time of year, the Cattle industry focuses on information contained in the USDA’s January 1 estimates of…
Assessing Management Practice Skills
Introduction As farms continue to consolidate it becomes increasingly important to assess a farm’s management skills. At a certain farm…
2019 Crop Insurance Decisions
During the next few weeks, many farm operators will be finalizing their crop insurance decisions for the 2019 crop year.…
Who’s Lonelier-City Slickers or Country Folks?
A new study out of the University of Minnesota looked at the differences between rural and urban residents when it…
Ag Secretary-Long Way to Go on Substantive Agreements With China
USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue focused on “trade, trade and trade” as he spoke Friday during the closing session of the…
Land Values Stubbornly Stable as Farmers Keep Buying
Despite the fifth year of lower commodity prices and projections for negative profit margins heading into 2019, farmland prices remain…
China Follows Through on its Promise to Buy U.S. Soybeans
China quickly followed through on Vice Premier Liu He’s pledge at the White House to buy more U.S. soybeans, market…
Increasing Operating Loan Volume, Interest Rates Raise Alarm
“As rates tick up, growth in operating loans boosts farm lending.” This was the title of an article co-written by…
How Russia and Ukraine Took Over the Wheat Market
Rarely do we read or hear a wheat market report today without being informed about what is happing in the…
Found-4-Way Herbicide Resistant Pigweed
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the ugliest pigweed of all? The answer might surprise you. Scientists have recently…