Extreme Snow and Cold Affecting Rail Carriers Performance
Snowfall records fell all over the western U.S in February, from Seattle to Spokane, Washington, to Missoula, Montana, reported the…
Crop Insurance Decisions for 2019
The price discovery period used to determined projected prices and volatility factors for federally sponsored corn and soybean crop insurance…
More Dicamba Lines Drawn
Illinois farmers and applicators will join the ranks of those facing additional regulations aimed at limiting off-target movement of dicamba…
Farmers Brace for Fertilizer and Planting Rush in Saturated Fields
With snow blanketing large swaths of the Midwest, and rains drenching parts of the South, it can be hard to…
President Trump Asks China to Lift Agricultural Tariffs
On Friday, Bloomberg writers Joshua Gallu and Millie Munshi reported that, “President Donald Trump said he has asked China to immediately remove all tariffs on…
Perdue-Expect Big Cuts in Trump Budget
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue expects the White House to once again propose deep cuts in USDA’s budget — and Perdue…
Evaluating Crop Insurance Options for Cotton-STAX vs. SCO Decision
Plains Cotton Growers, Inc., has developed a new resource for cotton producers currently evaluating crop insurance options for 2019. With…
Trade Victory No Guarantee of Spoils
U.S. wheat and rice farmers got a big win over China announced Thursday by the World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement…
Farmers Face Full Spring Agenda
Like many farmers in the Corn Belt, South Dakota farmer and cattleman Jason Frerichs got very little fieldwork completed after…
Senate Sends PRIA to President’s Desk
U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., along with…