Persistent Adverse Conditions Disrupt Crop Production Outlook
The most recent crop forecast from the U.S. Department of Agriculture revealed that unprecedented spring weather has already negatively impacted…
Re-enroll or Extend your Expiring CRP Contracts
Farmers and ranchers with expiring Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts may now re-enroll in certain CRP continuous signup practices or, if eligible,…
Flooding Out Enterprise Units
Farmers whose entire farms were underwater this spring could lose a significant premium discount for enterprise unit insurance because they…
Many Wet-condition Crop Concerns Ahead
Scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the USDA Midwest Climate Hub are worried about how summer…
Soybean Prevent Planting Decisions in Middle June, Cover Crops, and MFP Payments
Farmers across the Midwest can now take prevent planting payments on soybeans, as final planting dates for crop insurance purposes…
Stable Agricultural Land Values Settle Farm Balance Sheets, For Now
Financial Times writers Gregory Meyer and Robert Armstrong reported earlier this month that, “Despite a half-decade of falling grain prices, Midwestern…
What to Do With Unplanted Treated Soybean Seed
As bad weather continues to delay soybean planting in some parts of the country, some growers could be left with…
USDA June WASDE Report Released
The United States Department of Agriculture released its June World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report June 20. Crops covered…
Texas Watermelon Harvest Delayed but in Time for July 4
The Texas watermelon crop was delayed by spring weather, but plenty should be available for the Fourth of July holiday,…
Mexico Legislature Approves USMCA
Mexico’s Senate has voted to ratify the new trade agreement with the United States and Canada. That makes Mexico the…