National Apple Crop Forecast Up 9%
The first forecast of this fall’s U.S. apple crop is up 9% from 2018 with the most projected growth at…
Resources for Prevented Planting, Other Decisions
Not everywhere received 10 days of rain in a row from June 15 through June 24, but there are no…
Supply Concerns Impacting Corn Prices, as Trade Worries Persist
Recent news items discuss the ongoing impacts of the unprecedented adverse weather that unfolded in the Corn Belt this spring. Corn prices…
Summer Heat Arrives While Unsettled Pattern Plagues Corn Belt
Spring 2019 brought abysmal weather to the Corn Belt with flooding and cool weather. Astronomical Spring (which began on March…
Hay Inventory Severely Low Across Midwest
Excessive rainfall has not only hindered soybean and corn farmers’ attempts to plant, but has contributed to a near record-low…
Lack of Cover Crop Seed Adds Stress to Farmers’ Season
Whether you’re a farmer intent on using cover crops for weed suppression on prevented plant acres or a grower wanting…
USDA Farm Bill Implementation Progress Update
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced an update on the implementation status of the 2018 Farm Bill. President…
Another Look at Late Planting of the 2019 Soybean Crop
The lateness of planting the 2019 U.S. soybean crop has rightfully been getting a lot of attention. We have highlighted…
June Rural Mainstreet Index Climbs Above Growth Neutral
The Creighton University Rural Mainstreet Index (RMI) for June rose above growth neutral for the month. According to the monthly…
Wisconsin Cranberry Crop Rebounded in 2018
After voluntarily pulling back on production during the previous year, Wisconsin cranberry growers saw more output during the past harvest…