Corn Basis Heats Up With No Sign of Cooling Off
Fireworks came early for the corn basis. The national average basis started to climb above the five-year average beginning in…
Ag Biotech Becoming Top Priority for Foreign Spies
The theft of intellectual property is a key component of our current trade dispute with China. In a special report,…
Impact of Higher Corn Prices on Feeding Cost of Gain for Cattle
Corn price futures for the December 2019 contract increased from $3.79 per bushel for the week ending May 10 to…
EPA Takes Heat for Proposed RFS Volumes
Overall biofuel volumes would remain virtually the same in 2020 as they were 2019 in EPA’s proposed Renewable Fuel Standard…
USDA Under Secretary Bill Northey Discusses Prevent Plant Acres and Trade Aid
Bill Northey, the USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation, was a guest on Friday’s “Adams on Agriculture” radio show with Mike…
Recent Rain Improves Georgia’s Dryland Corn
After suffering a three-week dry spell in May, Georgia corn crops benefitted from rains during the month of June. It’s…
Feedback From The Field-July 8, 2019
How many acres of corn and soybeans did you plant this spring? How many wound up taking prevent plant coverage?…
Combines Find a Good Wheat Crop-in Fields That Survived
If your winter wheat survived the growing season — and that’s a big if — chances are it’s looking pretty…
Wetter than Normal Trends Continue for Corn Belt
Mother Nature turned on the rain this spring across the US Corn Belt, and it looks like she’s not ready…
View From the Cab-The Heat Is On
Jarett Andersen asked his wife, Ashley, not to bother bringing him lunch to the field one day this past week.…