USDA Reports Review
For Corn, ‘Where She Closes Is Where She Goeses?’ The USDA World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) for July…
Helping wheat, corn producers target fertilizer needs
Project aims to help farmers save on fertilizer costs while also increase their yields A few years ago, Agricultural Research…
Watch out for ‘flash drought,’ other crop concerns
Hot, dry weather when corn is starting to tassel and pollinate creates crop stress. At the start of this week,…
DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends
Retail fertilizers tracked by DTN for the second week of July 2019 show more of the same with prices once…
Keep cows cool, protect productivity
As summer temperatures rise, dairy animals need to stay cool in order to remain productive. Joe Zulovich, a University of…
Seed Production Struggles
How Will Late, Wet Planting Season Affect 2020 Seed Supply? A lot of eyes have been on the 2019 commercial…
Tart cherry industry targets Turkish imports
Producers are asking the U.S. government to implement a nearly 650% tariff on dried tart cherries from Turkey. U.S. tart…
Maryland reports record winter wheat yields despite less acres
Some Pennsylvania producers are reporting 100-bushel winter wheat yields. Maryland farmers are seeing a record winter wheat yield this year…
Livestock Industries Want USMCA Passage
House Ag Subcommittee Hears Stories of Lost Opportunity in Trade Representatives from a cross section of livestock industries told members…
Release of 2020 Crop Budgets, Revised 2019 Budgets, and Up-dated Revenues and Costs
Crop budgets for 2020 have been released and made available on farmdoc. In addition, 2019 budgets have been revised in light…