ADM CFO Sees Challenges Ahead
Trade, ASF to Drive Long-Term Changes to Global Ag Industry Archer Daniels Midland Company Vice President and Chief Financial Officer…
Beef Herd Expansion Near End?
Looking back a decade or so, the high feed price era from 2007 to 2013 caused downsizing of the beef…
ERS finds crop insurance will cost more because of climate change
Crop insurance for corn, soybeans and wheat will cost more because of the expected effects of climate change on yields,…
Five Things Everyone Should Know About A2 Milk
“Designer milks” like A2 milk could be the beginning of something big for dairy 1. A2 milk comes from cows…
2019 Spring Wheat Tour Preview: After Rough Spring, What Will Scouts See?
The 2019 Wheat Quality CouncilHard Red Spring and Durum Wheat Tourwill begin and end in Fargo, North Dakota, with scouts…
Corn and Soybean Crops at Mid-season, 2019
The 2019 Illinois corn crop reached 50% planted during the first week of June, more than a month later than…
Federal Reserve-Observations on the Ag Economy-July 2019
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve Board released its July 2019 Beige Book update, a summary of commentary on current economic conditions by…
China Plans Purchase of U.S. Farm Products, According to Reports
Since U.S., China trade negotiations resumed late last month, conflicting perspectives have emerged with respect to China’s promise to purchase large amounts of U.S.…
Feedback From The Field-July 22, 2019
How are your crops faring this year? What are your early hopes for yields? We’re asking growers about what’s really…
Mild Temps Help Midsummer Fruit Crops
After weather extremes brought a rocky start to the season, the early summer’s mild afternoons have been a boon to…