USDA Weekly Crop Progress
Good-to-excellent condition ratings for both U.S. corn and soybeans slipped slightly last week, according to the latest USDA NASS Crop…
Questions about Corn Crop Continue
The USDA’s August crop production forecast delivered a shock to corn markets with much larger production than expected. Market participants…
Indiana Farmland Values Fall for Fifth Straight Year
Farmland values are an important indicator of the health of the U.S. farm economy. Farmland accounts for the vast majority…
USACE Running Out of Funds to Continue Critical Dredging Operations
In my July 29 column, “Flooding Turns Mississippi River Into a Sandbox,” I discussed the shoaling left behind on nearly…
Interest in Drones Growing Among Cattle Producers
Technology in agriculture is moving at the speed of light — or at least at the speed of flight —…
DTN 2019 Digital Yield Tour-National
Gro Intelligence forecasts a national average corn yield of 163.2 bushels per acre (bpa), 6.3 bpa lower than USDA’s August…
Report-Trump Ordered RFS Waivers
Has President Donald Trump turned a 180 on his publicly stated support for ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard? It’s…
The Storm Took the Cushion, and They’re Still Recovering
Michael Davis says he sold about 12 bales of cotton last year. Based in Jackson County, Fla., Davis is the…
Feedback From The Field-Aug. 19, 2019
How are your crops faring this year? What are your early hopes for yields? We’re asking growers about what’s really…
Potential Economic Impact of Tunnel Collapse is $89 Million
The economic impact of the July 17 tunnel collapse on the Gering-Fort Laramie Canal could climb as high as $89…