Could EU-China Trade Tensions Increase U.S. Pork Exports?
China is both the world's leading producer and importer of pork. Worldwide imports total $6 billion annually. The U.S., Argentina and Russia could end up competing for a larger share of the market.
The USDA Updates Climate Adaptation Plans
The USDA and more than 20 federal agencies released updated Climate Adaptation Plans to ensure federal operations are increasingly resilient to climate change impacts.
USDA Grants Address Farm Labor Shortage
The USDA awarded $50 million to help farms address labor shortages. The Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program will assist 177 unique agricultural operations and over 11,000 workers.
Corn Exports to Mexico Poised for Growth
The USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service reported lower-than-expected Mexican corn production and increased demand for animal feed, which are driving expectations for more U.S. corn exports.
Researchers Uncover New Way to Address SCN Infestations
Genetically manipulating a resistance gene could provide a way to defeat soybean cyst nematode (SCN) according to Melissa Mitchum, professor in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia.
U.S. and Mexico Organic Produce Trade Grows
The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service reports a growing two-way trade of organic produce between the U.S. and Mexico.
CBO Estimates Fall Short On Farm Bill Funding
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate for USDA's Commodity Credit Corporation spending authority falls way short of funding the Republicans' farm bill proposals.
The USDA Reports Slipping Corn Crop Condition
The most recent USDA Crop Progress Report shows a decline in conditions. Currently, 72% of corn is in good/excellent condition. This compares to 74% in the prior week.
After delays, the Kansas Winter Wheat Harvest Gets Underway
Early June rains delayed the start of the Kansas wheat harvest. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics office shared that 12% of the Kansas winter wheat crop is in very poor condition, 21% is in poor condition, 35% is in fair condition, 29% is in good condition and only 3% is in excellent condition.
OSHA Submits Heat Protection Draft
According to the Labor Department, agricultural workers are 35 times more likely to die from heat-related exposure. Public health experts and advocates for workers have requested that OSHA issue a federal safety standard more quickly.