The USDA Reports 8% of the Corn Crop is at Dough Growth Stage
The latest USDA Crop Progress report reveals 11 top-producing states at the corn dough growth stage. Six of these states indicate corn development ahead of the national average.
EPA Policy Will Assess Pesticide Spry Drift Earlier in the Review Process
The U.S. EPA will now assess the potential for people to be exposed to pesticide spray drift earlier in the review process.
The USDA Forecasts Higher Orange Production
The USDA's latest citrus forecast predicts a slight increase in Valencia orange production in Florida. The report estimates 18 million boxes of oranges for the 2023-2024 season.
Montana Drought Stretches Into Fifth Year
While parts of the country struggle with excess moisture, Montana enters its fifth consecutive year of abnormally dry weather.
Heat Wave Stresses California Crops
A persistent heat wave across California is stressing crops, including grapes and melons Temperatures in the state's key agricultural regions have been exceeding 110 degrees.
Almond Harvest Forecast at 2.8 Billion Pounds
The 2024 almond harvest will come in at 2.8 billion meat pounds, a decrease of 7% from the USDA's May forecast. The 2023 harvest came in at 2.47 billion pounds.
Milk Supplies Tighten in First Half of 2024
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported 9.350 cows for May. While this is a 5,000-head increase from April, the number of cows decreased by 68,000 head year-over-year.
WADSE Report Hikes Corn Production, but trims 2024-25 Corn Ending Stocks
The World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WADSE) report caught many off guard.
Minnesota Grants Target Grain Storage Safety
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is reimbursing the state's producers up to $2,400 per year per farm to upgrade the safety of on-farm grain storage facilities.
Three-Quarters of U.S. Spring Wheat Crop Ranks Good to Excellent
The most recent USDA Crop Progress report revealed that spring wheat in the six wheat-producing states was in great shape.