sheilaf2002 –

The USDA released a 332-page proposal that would eliminate a change made by the 2018 farm bill to how milk is priced under federal milk marketing orders. It would restore a rule that makes the Class 1 milk price higher than Class 3 (milk sold of cheese) and Class 4 (butter and milk powder) for the month, plus a differential that would vary by location.

The National Milk Producers Federation and the International Dairy Foods Association requested the proposed changes. It restores the old formula prior to the changes made in the 2018 farm bill. The changes to the Class 1 formula are one of a series of modifications to the federal milk marketing orders released by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service.

The USDA proposes to update allowances to 25.04 cents a pound for cheese, 22.5 cents for butter, 22.68 cents for nonfat dry milk and 26.53 cents for dry whey.

Read more on the proposed changes to the milk marketing rules here.