Dry land and fieldEarly spring 2025 continues to see widespread drought across the Western Corn Belt, with 53% of U.S. corn areas affected. This is the most significant percentage of corn area subject to drought in five years.

The combination of a dry autumn and a nearly snowless winter has raised concerns about low soil moisture for the upcoming growing season. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center, drought conditions are expected to persist or worsen through June 30.

In 2024, the affected regions produced 6.6 billion bushels of corn. This represents 44% of the total U.S. crop.

USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey notes that current drought levels (D1 and D2) are moderate to severe and could improve with timely precipitation. However, NOAA’s Doug Kluck warns that long-term moisture deficits remain, making crop success highly dependent on spring rainfall.

The Climate Prediction Center outlook suggests some relief for central and eastern Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. This aligns with La Niña’s weakening influence. With ENSO neutral conditions expected to develop soon, the atmospheric effects of La Niña may still impact rainfall patterns.

Read more here about NOAA drought projections for the Western Corn Belt.