The large amount of unharvested corn and low grain quality are causing crop insurance issues in the Dakotas. Currently about 57-percent of the corn in North Dakota is in the field, 18-percent in South Dakota.

North Dakota Ag Commissioner Doug Goehring says corn moisture is running from 20-percent to 40-percent and the corn test weights are extremely low. However, the corn also has mold issues.

He says they’re working with the Risk Management Agency on solutions for how farmers will be compensated for low quality grain that is a result of an insurable loss, but also what farmers can do with grain that can’t be marketed or fed.

Goehring says they want RMA to make some adjustments regarding crop insurance, especially for corn under the 47-pound cutoff.

Light test weight grain is usually docked, but some elevators won’t even take corn under 50 pounds.

Source: WNAX