As Plant 25 gets underway in some parts of the country, many farmers located in the Northwest Corn Belt are still finalizing their planting plans. A number of factors are pushing many toward corn over soybeans, wheat or specialty crops — including potential tariffs, expected weather and commodity prices.

Local producers report last year’s corn harvest was more bountiful than soybeans. The corn tolerated the dry weather and finished the season with relatively good numbers. But beyond yield, growers also have the prices to consider. Risk management professionals in the area indicate the corn-soybean price ratio favors corn.

There is also some concern about seed and fertilizer availability as talks on trade restrictions and tariffs continue. However, most believe seed will be available freely — though there may be a chance it’s not the exact varieties producers are looking for. Much of that depends on continuing discussions between trade partners.

Read more about factors impacting spring planting here.