Several potential policies related to agriculture experienced recent movements in Congress. This included an extension of the 2018 Farm Bill, which will move the deadline to write a new bill to September 2024. If passed in both the House and the Senate, it will include extensions for Tier 1 commodity programs (without additional funding for program changes), Dairy Margin Coverage, and other similarly authorized programs. It also contains added funding for several conservation-focused programs. Congress must agree on the proposed bill before Nov. 17, 2023, to pass the legislation before a potential government shutdown.

No matter the legislative outcome, crop insurance programs will remain in effect. These programs fall under a permanent law and mandatory funding.

In addition to the Farm Bill extension, legislators have recently proposed other agriculture-related legislation. Introduced in the House, The Farm to Fly Act aims to define better which aviation fuels fall under federal bio-energy rules, which could give producers access to additional markets. Several industry organizations, including the American Soybean Association and the National Corn Growers Association, support the move. It also has support from both sides of the aisle in Congress.

In the Senate, a bill to support broadband access in rural areas was also introduced. Read more on recent legislative actions here.