Cash rent for Iowa farm ground broke the five-year trend of increasing rates. The price remains similar to 2023, according to the latest land rent survey from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Corn and soybean ground rents for an average of $279 per acre in the face of increased land values. Alejandro Plastina, associate professor of economics and Extension Economist at Iowa State University, said this results from the tight profit margins farmers face. Returns have shrunk from 10% to 2%. Unless commodity prices climb, he expects cash rents to stay the same or even decrease.

The survey monitors nine regions of the state. Six of the nine regions experienced an increase. The largest occurred in northwest and northeast Iowa, with rents of $304 and $309 per acre, respectively. The lowest cash rent was reported in the south-central region at $231 per acre.

Read more on cash rent trends here.