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The dairy market fluctuates based on a delicate balance between supply and demand. While recent prices have provided temporary relief, the future remains uncertain. Low milk prices and tight margins reduced the milk supply. This led to a price increase in the first half of the year. However, price pressures may re-emerge with new processing facilities and potential herd growth.

Cheese prices hit highs but retreated, indicating price sensitivity among buyers. Seasonal factors like fluid milk consumption might boost prices temporarily, but longer-term concerns persist. The demand remains stable, but U.S. consumers are becoming more price-conscious.

There is a strong case for milk prices to remain strong through 2024, but medium- to long-term factors like increased cheese production and inventory buildup could undermine this trend, leading to a potential downturn in the market. Now might be a good time for producers to consider longer-term planning.

ProAg offers Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) insurance to help cover unexpected declines in the quarterly revenue from milk sales relative to a guaranteed coverage level. Reach out to your trusted ProAg agent to learn how you can protect your operation from fluctuating milk prices.

Learn more about the dynamics influencing the dairy market here.