On August 26, the USDA released its latest Crop Progress report. The report indicates that 65% of the crop is in good/excellent condition, 22% is in fair condition and 13% is in poor/very poor condition. The percentage of corn in good/excellent condition fell 2% from the previous week.

As of August 25, 84% of the corn crop in the top 18 growing states reached the dough stage. This increased from 74% in the previous week and is 1% ahead of the five-year average of 83%. Across the top growing states, 46% of the crop had dented. This was an increase from 30% the previous week and ahead of the five-year average of 42%.

Fourteen of the 18 top-growing states reported that 11% of the corn crop had reached maturity. That was an increase of 5% from the previous week and ahead of the five-year average of 6%.

As of August 25, 89% of the soybean crop in the top 19 growing states reached the pod growth stage. Across 15 of those states, 6% are dropping leaves. The USDA reports that 67% of soybeans are in good/excellent condition, 24% in fair condition and 95 in poor/very poor condition.

Read more on the 2024 crop progress here.