Strong thunderstorms produced hail over much of the Midwest this spring as the corn crop emerged. Can corn exposed to hail fully recover? While the leaves may look damaged, if the growing point is below or just at ground level, the corn should grow out of the hail damage according to Rebecca Vittetoe, Iowa State University Extension field agronomist in east-central Iowa, and Terry Basol, field agronomist in north-central Iowa.

The growing point for corn remains below ground until the V6 growth state. In Iowa, most corn across the state is at or below V6. If growers wait 7 to 10 days for the crops to recover, it will make it easier to assess hail damage.

Some believe that hail-damaged crops are at a higher risk for disease. Iowa State has conducted research that indicates no yield-increasing benefits from applying a fungicide after early-season hail exposure.

If you suspect hail damage, contact your crop insurance immediately and stay in touch with them.

Read more about the effects of hail on emerging corn here.