This week, the EPA released slightly raised renewable fuel blending requirements for biodiesel and lowered ethanol quotas under the Renewable Fuel Standard. Biofuel groups have expressed disappointment in the announcement. Biofuel blending requirements are 20.94 billion gallons in 2023, 21.54 in 2024 and 22.33 in 2025. The finalized volumes include 15 billion gallons of ethanol over the next three years, a decline from the initial proposal.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan says the rule ensures the program’s stability, protects consumers from higher costs, strengthens rural economies, supports domestic production of clean fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. However, the Renewable Fuels Association says the final rule misses an opportunity to help transition the transportation sector to low- and zero-carbon fuels. The National Corn Growers Association says the final rule falls short of the cost-saving benefits and emissions reductions that higher-blended fuels would offer.

Read more on EPA’s RFS blending requirements and the biofuel industry’s response here.