A major trade route for ag commodities is being disrupted by flooding in the Upper Midwest. The Army Corps of Engineers Expects navigation problems on the upper Mississippi River due to flooding in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. Lock and dam closures will likely stop the flow of cargo in the next week.

Alan Marshall with the Rock Island District office of the Army Corps of Engineers forecasts that Locks 12, 16 and 17 will likely close due to rising water reaching the upper threshold limit. These locks are located in Bellvue, IA, Muscatine, IA and New Boston, IL.

Janet Meredith, with the St. Louis District office of the Army Corp of Engineers, predicts that the water surge will reach the St. Louis harbor this weekend. However, there is a long way before the flood stage is reached in the St. Louis District.

Read more on navigation challenges on the Mississippi River caused by flooding here.