A report from Terrain highlights that Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and (Price Loss Coverage) PLC will provide increased support for crops like corn, soybeans and wheat. Key ARC-County Option (ARC-CO) support prices include $5.03 per bushel for corn, $12.17 per bushel for soybeans and $6.72 per bushel for wheat. The PLC prices are slightly lower at $2.26 per bushel for corn, $9.66 per bushel for soybeans and $5,56 per bushel for wheat.

Sorghum and seed cotton are likely to see payments due to high support levels, while rice and peanut income support remain unchanged from the 2014 farm bill. Total program payments for 2025/26 are projected at $5.4 billion. This includes $3.6 billion in PLC payments and $1.7 billion in ARC-CO payments. Corn is set to receive $3.2 billion. This is followed by soybeans at $565 million and wheat at $373 million.

Based on county revenue, ARC-CO triggers payments when revenue falls below 86% of a benchmark. PLC focuses solely on price. Both programs provide essential safety nets tailored to crop-specific and regional conditions.

Read more about the ARC and PLC safety nets for 2025 here.