May had its share of turbulent weather, with 469 tornadoes, 3,475 severe wind events and 1,640 severe hail events in the U.S. This is among the highest number of storms recorded for May since 2011.

Michael Clark, chief meteorologist for, explains the weather pattern has been expected as the country transitions away from an El Niño into a La Niña. In springs with this transition, the weather tends to be amplified.

The National Centers for Environmental Prediction forecasts a 49% chance La Niña develops between June and August and a 69% chance it will emerge between July and September. If this prediction holds, it could translate to more unstable weather. Meteorologist Bret Walts predicts that high winds and intense rainstorms will continue throughout late spring and early summer.

Read more on the active weather patterns predicted across the U.S. here.