As spring fieldwork season arrives quicker than growers might have expected, it’s never too early to think about safe pesticide handling. When transporting pesticides, extra precautions are necessary to avoid accidents or spillage. Fred Whitford, director of Purdue Pesticide Programs, says most accidents are not from storage or fires but from transportation. Every producer should be aware of federal and state requirements for pesticide hauling.

Three rules of thumb to live by for transporting chemicals include:

1. Securing the load properly by strapping down containers.
2. Transport pesticides in their original, labeled containers so first responders know how to react appropriately in the event of an accident.
3. Travel with protective equipment so spills can be quickly mitigated. Use absorbent material, gloves, coveralls, a shovel and temporary plastic storage at the ready in case of an accident.

Read more on pesticide transportation here.