Does your current crop insurance coverage fall short of your farm revenue or yield needs? Do you need to increase the coverage provided by your Federal Crop Insurance policy?

Find the solution in ProAg’s Increased Coverage Election* (ICE) named peril policy
The ICE policy supplements the coverage provided by the Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) policies. By purchasing the ICE policy, an insured can
- Supplement their protection through either increasing the price election selected on an applicable underlying Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) or
- Supplement the MPCI coverage with additional coverage against yield loss and/or revenue loss within a selected coverage band.
Key ICE Policy Highlights
- The ICE policy is an annual policy.
- A fully executed application must be submitted by the underlying MPCI policies sales closing date.
- The annual premium is due October 1st.
- The available unit structure for the ICE Policy will be basic, optional or enterprise as defined by the MPCI Common Crop Insurance policy provisions.
- The unit structure for ICE does not have to match the unit structure of the underlying MPCI policy, however the unit structure choice still needs to be selected at the time of application with the disclaimer included.
- ICE unit structure will not follow the Multi County Enterprise Units (MCEU) or Enterprise Practice (EP) for the underlying MPCI policy.
- ICE coverage is not available with Catastrophic Risk Protection (CAT) coverage or Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) plans.
- The per-acre yield will be the same as the “approved yield” calculated with your underlying policy or selected optional unit structure (including the Trend Adjusted Yield, where applicable). Any reduction in coverage to your MPCI policy or selected optional units due to late planting will reduce the applicable yield in an equivalent percentage amount.
- The ICE Liability Factor is a percent of maximum available liability selected by the insured. The factor is between 50% and 100% of the ICE Liability. The factor is applied to the selected band of coverage to establish the liability per acre.
ICE Availability
Increased Coverage Election is available on the crops listed in the following states (not available in all counties in some states and not all coverage options available in all states):
- Wheat Only – Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Oregon
- Wheat, Corn and Soybeans – Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota, Ohio and Wisconsin
- Wheat, Corn, Soybeans and Sugar Beets – Michigan, Minnesota and Nebraska
- Corn and Soybeans – Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, South Dakota and Tennessee
ICE Coverage Specifics
The insured may select one of the following options, subject to the minimum deductible. Available unit structure for ICE will be optional or enterprise as defined by the Common Crop Insurance Policy basic provisions.
- ICE STACK – Revenue Coverage Options
The insured may select one of the following options: Stack 5-90, Stack 5-95, Stack 10-90, Stack 10-95 or Stack 15-95. The insured may select to add on a revenue band of coverage subject to a minimum deductible (in dollars) unless otherwise noted. This coverage may not be selected with a gap between or overlaps with the corresponding MPCI coverage level.
- ICE SHIELD – Yield Coverage Only Options
The insured may select one of the following options: Shield 10-90 or Shield 10-95 subject to a minimum deductible. If the AY option is selected there is increased coverage through an increase in selected price. If the insured chooses to increase coverage by adding on an additional price per bushel, then the ICE coverage level will match the applicable MPCI coverage level. The AY option provides yield coverage only.
Band | Coverage | 2021 Ice Option |
5.0% | 85.0% – 90.0% | Stack 5-90 |
5.0% | 90.0% – 95.0% | Stack 5-95 |
10.0% | 80.0% – 90.0% | Shield 10-90 |
10.0% | 85.0% – 95.0% | Shield 10-95 |
10.0% | 80.0% – 90.0% | Stack 10-90 |
10.0% | 85.0% – 95.0% | Stack 10-95 |
15.0% | 80.0% – 95.0% | Stack 15-95 |
"*" indicates required fields