ProAg’s Grant Adams Reflects on Four-year Term as AACI Chairman

ProAg’s Grant Adams with AACI President Scott Graves
There’s an old saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” The American Association of Crop Insurers (AACI) was founded in 1983 on the latter principle.
AACI’s mission is “to advocate on behalf of all segments of the private sector crop insurance industry with a unified voice in an effort to promote and protect a viable, affordable and diverse crop insurance program.” The board of directors reflects this mission with representatives from every level of industry involvement, including insurance companies, agents and agencies, reinsurers/brokers, loss adjusters and affiliates.
In 2024, ProAg Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Grant Adams wrapped up a four-year term as chairman of the board for AACI. As a representative of ProAg, he helped move the organization (and the crop insurance industry) forward through some interesting times, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the beginning of new Farm Bill discussions.
“There’s a general consensus that crop insurance is the cornerstone for risk management in production agriculture,” Adams previously said of the Farm Bill. “We need to make sure that it continues to have that support in Congress and the administration because it’s a great deal for America’s farmers and ranchers, as well as taxpayers.”
“Gaining unified support on challenging issues that arise can require hard work, but AACI believes that advocating on behalf of such a diverse membership has a positive impact on the Hill and the Department of Agriculture, resulting in a strong and improving crop insurance program,” Adams observed.
More about AACI
Through AACI’s work in the early years, the crop insurance industry shifted from federal management to private management. The resulting public-private partnership offers benefits for nearly all stakeholders. American farmers and ranchers receive assistance fast, often within days of filing a claim. Taxpayers absorb less of the blow of natural disasters. And the federal government collects a portion of the underwriting gains in good years.
“A key element of privately delivered federal crop insurance is that there are no winners and losers. The system isn’t set up that way,” said Scott Graves, AACI president. “It’s a risk management tool available to all farmers and ranchers regardless of size, location or crop choice. AACI is instrumental in ensuring that continues so our farmers and ranchers can continue their essential work.”
Recent impact
Perhaps the most visible recent work from AACI is advocacy around the Farm Bill. In 2023, the organization navigated historic events in Congress while educating members on the importance of crop insurance. Between spring and fall fly-in days, AACI members completed more than 100 visits to Senate and House of Representatives offices. The organization also maintained a strong presence at congressional hearings.
In addition to multiple fly-in advocacy days, congressional hearings and fundraisers, AACI members connected directly with senators and House representatives who had never voted on a Farm Bill. That work will continue to be critical into 2024, as more than half of the House and nearly a quarter of the Senate have never voted on a Farm Bill.
Outreach this year will have a big impact as we work to maintain the federal crop insurance program’s funding levels and move toward a new Farm Bill. We have our work cut out for us, but I know AACI members are eager to get out there and make a difference.
Outside of congressional activities, AACI runs a leadership development program: Seeding the Future. In 2023, the second class of students started their participation. These upcoming crop insurance industry leaders are learning the ins and outs of legislation to help lead future advocacy efforts.
Get involved
Though Adams has finished his term as chairman of the board, he’ll remain on the board to support AACI efforts — and he encourages others to get involved.
“Our industry experience is essential to helping legislators understand the positive impact of crop insurance,” he said. “We need diverse voices in this conversation.”
Keep up with AACI as the organization advocates on behalf of crop insurance companies, agents and policyholders in 2024 and beyond. AACI membership is open to any individual interested in supporting private sector delivery of the Federal Crop Insurance Program, including protecting the availability of the program to all farmers, ranchers and growers across the United States. Visit for the latest updates and opportunities to get involved.
AACI Political Action Committee (AACI-PAC)
AACI Political Action Committee (AACI-PAC) provides an important avenue to relay AACI’s message to Congress advocating the significance and value of the Federal Crop Insurance Program. Continued support is essential to AACI-PAC’s efforts to maintain and improve crop insurance, especially in a Farm Bill year.
Anyone interested in donating to AACI-PAC must become a AACI member and pay a $5 annual membership fee. Members are then free to donate.
Contributions to AACI-PAC are not tax deductible. Contributions to AACI-PAC will be used in connection with federal elections and are subject to the prohibitions and limitations of Federal Election Law. Federal law prohibits AACI-PAC from accepting contributions from corporations, foreign nationals (non-green card holders,) labor unions and federal government contractors.