Beginning with the 2026 crop year, the following modifications are effective for the Nursery Value Select Pilot Crop Insurance Program:

  • Carryover policyholders are allowed to submit renewal documents at any time after the sales closing date. This will result in a prorated premium for the remainder of the crop year.
  • A new Peak Endorsement Pilot, which allows producers to increase coverage during a designated peak period when the inventory value may be higher than the selected value, has been added.

In addition, it’s important to note that beginning with the 2026 crop year, Nursery Value Select will be the ONLY nursery program offered. Nursery Field Grown & Container (FG&C) will no longer be available for purchase. Policyholders who have coverage under Nursery FG&C for the 2025 crop year must submit a new application and required NVS documentation for NVS coverage to attach for the 2026 crop year.

Click the following hyperlink to access the bulletin for additional detailed information: