Grape Crop Insurance Changes
Per Product Management Bulletin: PM-21-045, the following changes are applicable to the grape crop insurance program for the 2022 and…
Rainfall Index – Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) and Apiculture (API) Changes
For the 2022 and succeeding crop year, the following changes will be effective to the apiculture (API) / beekeeping and…
Sweet and Tart Cherry Pilot Crop Insurance Changes
The below changes were approved to the ARH sweet and tart cherry pilot programs for the 2022 and succeeding crop…
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Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Pilot Plan of Insurance Changes
The following changes to the whole-farm revenue protection (WFRP) plan of insurance will be effective for the 2022 and succeeding…
Pistachio Crop Insurance Changes
The following changes are effective for Pistachios for the 2022 and succeeding crop years per Product Management Bulletin: PM-21-046: The…
RMA Revises Dates to December 1 for PRF and API
USDA RMA, Washington, August 31, 2021 – Agricultural producers now will have until December 1 to make coverage decisions and complete…
LRP or LGM: A win-win for livestock ranchers and producers
Bringing stability to market volatility Declining market prices and shrinking margins are two of the primary threats to ranchers and…
Prevented Planting (PP) Cover Crop Relief
Cover crops provide multiple benefits to current and future cropping systems, such as preventing soil and wind erosion, improving the…
Hurricane Insurance Protection – Wind Index (HIP-WI) Changes
The following changes outlined in Product Management Bulletin PM-21-038 will be effective for the 2022 and succeeding crop years for…
Dry Bean and Dry Peas Provision Changes
The FCIC has amended the Dry Bean and Dry Pea Crop Provisions for the 2022 and succeeding crop year, with…