Honey bees in a frameCommercial beekeepers across the U.S. reported an average 62 percent loss between June 2024 and February 2025. This may impact pollination for almonds, fruits, vegetables and other pollination-dependent crops.

Concern over reports of heavy losses from beekeepers across the country triggered a multi-organizational working group. This included Project Apis m., the American Beekeeping Federation and the American Honey Producers Association.

Data was collected by Project Apis m. through a survey of 702 beekeepers that account for over 1.835 million colonies. This represents 68% of the nation’s bees.

The survey reveals that:

  • Hobbyist beekeepers with 1 to 49 colonies lost an average of 50%
  • Sideliner operations with 50 to 100 colonies lost 62%
  • Commercial beekeepers with more than 500 colonies lost 62%

Board Chairman of Project Apis m and fourth-generation farmer Zac Browning said if losses continue at this rate, we will not be able to sustain current food level production. The survey aims to assess the scope of the losses and help guide research to identify the causes.

Read more about how honey bee colony losses are creating concern for pollination-dependent crops here.