University of Illinois crop physiologist Fred Below shared six secrets to 80 bushel soybeans during the recent Soybean Field Advisor Forum in Champaign, Illinois.

These factors work together and include:

  1. Weather (30 bu.) – This is the most critical factor, and it is beyond the farmers’ control. However, early planting increases leaf coverage, aids in weed control and boosts pod numbers. These are all keys to yield.
  2. Genetics/Variety (30 bu.) – Research shows that choosing the fullest relative maturity variety for a region consistently results in higher yields.
  3. Row Spacing (7 bu.) – Narrower rows (20 inches) generally yield more than wider rows (30 inches) by intercepting more light. However, early planting can make row spacing less critical.
  4. Foliar Protection (6 bu.) – Using fungicides and insecticides helps protect leaves and maximize photosynthesis. This contributes up to 6 additional bushels per acre.
  5. Fertility (5 bu.) – High-yield soybeans require significant nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, zinc and boron. Early planting allows better nutrient uptake.
  6. Seed Treatment (2 bu.) – Treated seeds emerge and grow better, especially in early planting. They protect from diseases and pests.

The article also emphasized the importance of good drainage, soil pH and early weed control as foundational prerequisites for maximizing yields.

Read more about tips to increase soybean yields here.