ProAg Crop Insurance and Lessing-Flynn Marketing employees celebrating the NAMA Award for ProAg's Strategic Partner Conference

From left to right: Tom Flynn (LF), Ian Anderson (LF), Scott Schaefers (ProAg), Brian Nelson (ProAg) and Sarah Hinners (LF).

On January 16th, ProAg and our marketing agency partner, Lessing-Flynn were honored at the National Agricultural Marketing Association (NAMA) Best of NAMA – Region 3 Awards ceremony in Minneapolis. ProAg brought home the Merit Award for Event Marketing, featuring the marketing materials for our inaugural Strategic Partners Conference held in 2023.

The Best of NAMA Awards is an annual competition focused on marketing initiatives across 60 different categories such as: sales collateral, press releases, radio, print advertising, digital work, billboards and specialty campaigns.

The competition included marketing agencies from across the Midwest and the work they submitted on behalf of their clients. Some of the organizations included were Cenex, Land O’ Lakes, Pioneer Seed, Vermeer, BASF, Bayer, Corteva Agriscience, Minnesota Soybean Growers, Iowa Corn Growers and Farm Credit Services of America. There were 864 submissions made on behalf of these companies for the 60 awards.

We now move to the national competition held in April in Kansas City against the Best of NAMA winners from the other regions. ProAg competing at the national level demonstrates our dedication to outstanding agricultural marketing, providing innovative crop insurance solutions and providing the American farmer and rancher with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.