University of Missouri Extension state crops entomologist Ivair Valmorbida says Missouri’s soybean farmers should watch for several stink bug species in 2025. They can significantly reduce yields and seed quality as they feed on blooms, pods and developing seeds within the pods.

The green stink bug was the most prevalent in Missouri soybean crops. It accounted for more than 70% of stink bugs. Other stink bugs in Missouri crops include the one-spotted and brown stink bugs. All three are similar in appearance, with shield-shaped bodies. The eggs change from light green to yellow and are usually found on the underside of leaves.

Valmorbida said insecticide application could be considered after a threshold of 0.4 bugs per sweep for grain soybeans or 0.2 bugs per sweep in seed beans detected.

Read more about scouting for stink bugs in soybean fields here.