Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 2024 Global Agricultural Productivity (GAP) report reveals a concerning slowdown in global agricultural productivity growth. Productivity grew at 1.9% annually between 2001and 2010. It has since dropped to just 0.7% per year (2013 to 2022). This decline threatens food production and sustainability goals by 2050. It could potentially lead to food insecurity and nutritional challenges.

The U.S. witnessed even lower growth at 0.21%. This is partly due to insufficient public funding for agricultural research. In contrast, South Asia achieved 1.4% growth due to innovation and investment in driving productivity.

To meet rising demand by 2050, global productivity must grow by 2% annually. The report emphasizes five key priorities for achieving this:

  • Investing in agricultural innovation
  • Expanding market access, strengthening trade
  • Reducing food loss
  • Fostering partnerships for technology dissemination

Failure to address these challenges could result in reduced global competitiveness, higher food prices, and increased inequalities in rural communities.

Read more about ag productivity slowing here.