According to the latest USDA Crop Progress Report, crop maturity and harvest progressed quite a bit week over week. As of Sept. 22, more than 60% of corn in the top 18 growing states had fully matured. This was a 16 percentage point increase from the previous week. Looking at just 16 of the top corn-growing states, 14% of the crop was harvested by reporting time. Crop conditions held steady from the previous week, remaining at 65% in good or excellent condition, 23% in fair condition, and 12% in poor or very poor condition.

The same report indicated that 65% of the soybean crop had started dropping leaves in the top 18 growing states. This is well ahead of the 57% five-year average. The share of soybean harvested more than doubled week over week, with 13% harvested as of Sept. 22. The previous report had just 6% harvested. Conditions closely reflect those of corn, with 64% in good or excellent condition, 25% in fair condition, and 11% in poor or very poor condition. This was also the split for the previous week.

Spring wheat progressed as well, with 96% of the crop across the top six growing states harvested at the time of the report. Winter wheat planting is underway, with about 25% planted in the top states.

Read more on the crop report here.