The latest USDA Crop Progress report reveals 11 top-producing states at the corn dough growth stage. Six of these states indicate corn development ahead of the national average.

Texas leads the country with 62% of its corn crop at the dough stage. This compares to 59% last year and a five-year average of 58%. The state reports that 42% of the crop is in excellent/good shape. Twenty-seven percent of the crop is in poor/very poor condition.

North Carolina reports 43% of its corn at the dough growth stage. However, none of the corn ranks in excellent condition. Seventy-three percent of the corn is in poor/very poor condition.

Missouri reports 32% of its corn at the dough stage. That is up 16% from last year and exceeds the five-year average by 23%. The condition also fares much better, with 79% of the crop in excellent/good condition.

Other states reporting the dough growth stage include:

  • Tennessee at 30%
  • Kansas at 16%
  • Kentucky at 9%
  • Illinois at 8%
  • Nebraska at 8%
  • Iowa at 6%
  • Indiana at 3%
  • Ohio at 1%

Read more on the progress of the nation’s corn crop here.