The Senate Ag subcommittee on conservation, climate, forestry and natural resources will solicit feedback from western producers on problems with current federal drought programs. Subcommittee Chair Michael Bennet said Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow has incorporated many drought improvements in her farm bill plans. However, he would like to like to see groundwater easement programs bolstered.

Bennet has been passionate about drought provisions in the farm bill and he included a letter to Stabenow earlier this year to encourage funding. Challenges faced by the USDA and other federal relief programs include a need for more flexibility, funding and better staffing.

While the drought provisions are debated, lawmakers are set to miss the September 30 deadline to pass a new farm bill. Senator Mike Rounds shared that Senate Ag leaders are exploring the passage of another extension. He explained that once everybody knows the outcome of the election, they will understand whether they can pass legislation in the lame-duck session or whether it gets pushed back to the new year.

Read the latest progress on the farm bill legislation here.