China is both the world’s leading producer and importer of pork. Worldwide imports total $6 billion annually. The U.S., Argentina and Russia could end up competing for a larger share of the market.

Tensions between the European Union and China ramped up after the EU bloc imposed anti-subsidy duties on Chinese-made electric cars. China responded by opening an anti-dumping investigation into imported pork and its by-products from the EU. China expects the investigation could last more than a year. However, any impact on pork exports will take time to materialize.

If anti-dumping tariffs are high, there could be increased demand from the U.S., Brazil and Argentina. The U.S. Meat Export Federation noted that U.S. pork faces a 25% duty in China due to steel and aluminum tariffs.

Read more on the EU-China trade tension impact on U.S. pork exports here.