The House Appropriations Ag-FDA subcommittee is set to mark up its FY 2025 bill. Centrist Republicans have been pushing senior GOP leaders to leave out a controversial ban on mifepristone mail delivery that sidetracked last year’s appropriations debate.

Additionally, Rep. Andy Harris is still pushing for a pilot program to restrict the food types low-income Americans can buy with their SNAP benefits. It’s a move opposed by most Democrats.

In addition, House appropriators are leaving out State Department funding for Mexico. Funding would resume when Mexico agreed to balance the deficit of water deliveries as required under a 1944 water treaty. The lack of water delivery is threatening Texas’ citrus industry.

Senate Ag Republicans are on the verge of unveiling their farm bill, which is primarily focused on the farm safety net. There is no timeline set for the Democratic Senate Farm Bill being led by retiring Ag Chair Debbie Stabenow.

Read more on the House Appropriation Ag-FDA subcommittee markup here.