Soybean midge gall had been identified at trapping sites in Saunders and Lancaster counties in east-central Nebraska. An alert was sent via researchers at the multi-state monitoring network. Producers who planted late April or early May soybeans should inspect their fields.

Justin McMechan, crop protection and cropping systems specialist at the University of Nebraska shared that most Soybean Midge Gall were adult males, but two females were identified. Tiny female flies lay their eggs on the stems of young soybean plants. The hatched larvae then feed on the tissues within the stem. The infested plants can die or break off at the stem, significantly reducing yields.

Soybean plants are most susceptible to infestation during the V2 growth stage. This year’s emergence occurred slightly earlier than last year.

Read more on the first 2024 appearance of soybean midge gall here.