The Packer’s Sustainability Insights 2024 survey revealed more than three-quarters of consumers place some priority on sustainability when purchasing produce. Thirty percent of customers place primary priority on it.

The web-based survey of 491 consumers unveiled that younger customers tended to prioritize sustainability. The survey found that 78% of 18- to 20-year-olds raked sustainability as a primary or secondary priority. This compares to 51% of those aged 65 or older.

Participants represented a range of income levels. Twenty-two percent had household income levels of $25,000 to $49,999, while 21% had incomes of $100,000 to $149,000.

Respondents replied that consumers, the government and farms/food processors/manufacturers share responsibility for sustainability. However, only 18% of respondents claimed the consumer was most responsible.

Read more on consumer preferences for sustainable produce here.